Susan Chung's Power Optimizing Workouts Blog

Susan Chung's Power Optimizing Workouts Blog

RapidFire DVD shipping soon!

by Susan Chung on 11/17/10

Hi Everyone!

Great news!  The DVD is being replicated right now and should be ready to ship right after Thanksgiving -- just in time for your holiday workouts!  I am so happy with the finished product.  The video has a great warm up to get your body ready for both boxing and kicking.  Next is a shadow boxing segment, 2 aerobic kickboxing segments, a bonus optional heavy bag workout which can be done with or without a bag, a core and abs segment and a relaxing stretch. 

Be sure to watch the exciting demonstration of proper technique called "Safety Guidelines and Tips," narrated by me and executed by my husband, Grandmaster Bruce Chung.  It's basically everything you ever wanted to know about kickboxing but had never been taught before.

My sincere thanks to everyone who ordered, I'm confident that you're going to love it and I thank you for your patience.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving!







Clips are up!

by Susan Chung on 11/05/10

Hello Everyone:

Thank you so much for your patience.  I have some clips up on my website now,  The clips are also on youtube under Susan Chung's Power Optimizing Workout Rapid Fire: Kick, Box and Core Burn.

Hope you like them!




Clips From Actual Video

by Susan Chung on 11/05/10

Hi Robin and thanks for your question!

We are trying to get clips onto our website today!  Please keep checking back today.  When you open onto the home page of, you'll see a box that has my POW logo in it.  Click on the "details" button and the clips will be there as soon as we get them up.

Thanks again!

Susan Chung


A day spent editing!

by Susan Chung on 11/03/10

Hi Again!

So Rea and I spent the day in beautiful Cherry Hill, NJ working with the editor on the new video.  Even though it was tedious work, we learned alot and and it was actually really fun.  We picked out several clips to place up on the website so that everyone could see what the actual video is going to look like.  We are hoping to have the clips up today.  After 10 hours of editing, we stopped at a restaurant named Pietros and had really delicious salads.  Got back to New York at midnight, exhausted but happy to have gotten so much accomplished. 

Rapid Fire: Kick, Box & Core Burn Video Update

by Susan Chung on 11/01/10

Hi Again:

Hello Everyone:


Thanks for all of your kind words and encouragement during these last few months.  Things are going really well.  We filmed the video last Friday and tomorrow we head to New Jersey to start the editing process.  It's been so much fun so far choreographing and practicing everyday.   Today, I felt like I had so much extra time on my hands with no rehearsals!


"Do or do not...there is no try."  Yoda
Master Susan Chung 
breaking demonstration 5/16/10
Ghosty Chung says: 
"Nothing like a catnap after a great kickboxing class!"
Misti Chung says: 
"Oh me-owww!  Nothing like DOMS to make a cat remember her workout!"