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Work on my second video has begun!

by Susan Chung on 07/14/11

Hello everyone!  Well, summer is here and I finally have some free time to start working on my second RapidFire video.  I finished mapping out the format and my team and I start rehearsals next week.  Hoping to shoot towards the end of summer.  It's going to be great.  Can't wait to get started. 

Comments (7)

1. llp said on 7/16/11 - 12:46PM
Looking forward to the new workout, Susan. Your Very first one is so fun, good, and effective.
2. Susan Chung said on 7/19/11 - 08:38AM
Thanks so much! You're going to love the next one. It's so much fun and challenging at the same time!
3. Rosie said on 7/23/11 - 03:14PM
Susan! How exciting! I just love your dvd and have been doing it once per week. It is SO effective and I love the ab moves! Hardest ab workout ever!
4. Susan Chung said on 7/25/11 - 02:31PM
Thanks Rosie! You're going to love this video. Its going to be lots of fun punching and kicking combos,cardio bursts,drills,weights and of course abs. Guaranteed to be fun and make you sweat!
5. Gibbee said on 8/2/11 - 03:17PM
Awesome! Looking forward to the new workout! :)
6. Rhonda said on 9/7/11 - 11:04AM
Can't wait. Any more updates?
7. Susan said on 9/19/11 - 04:51PM
Hi Rhonda, Good News! We just completed the final edits and approved all dvd artwork. Tomorrow we'll be uploading the artwork to the replicator and by Wednesday the replicator will have the master. All this means that we should be shipping the finished dvd's some time during the first week of October. Thanks for your patience. I know you're going to love it!

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"Do or do not...there is no try."  Yoda
Master Susan Chung 
breaking demonstration 5/16/10
Ghosty Chung says: 
"Nothing like a catnap after a great kickboxing class!"
Misti Chung says: 
"Oh me-owww!  Nothing like DOMS to make a cat remember her workout!"